3 marketing campaigns that made us laugh & cry

In the realm of advertising, marketing campaigns possess an enchanting ability to transport us to a world where emotions run wild and desires ignite. They captivate our hearts, make us burst into laughter, and leave us with an insatiable urge to positively or negatively engage with the products or services they promote. We invite you to embark on a journey through five extraordinary marketing campaigns that made us laugh and cry at the same time. These campaigns blended humor, took a political stance, and left a permanent mark on consumers.

Jeremy’s Razors - "Shut Up And Shave"

In the world of marketing, there are campaigns that push boundaries and challenge conventions. Jeremy's Razors did just that with their unconventional and attention-grabbing campaign, "Shut Up And Shave." This audacious call to action not only disrupted the shaving industry but also took a stand against advertiser walkouts, Jeremy Boreing took a stand against Harry’s Razors. Jeremy ignited conversations and resonated with consumers on a deeper level. Let’s explore how Jeremy's Razors made a bold statement, captured attention, encouraged action, and left a lasting impact.

Setting the Stage for Disruption

In a sea of traditional marketing campaigns, Jeremy's Razors dared to be different. The brand recognized the need to align values, break through the “woke bullshit” and grab the attention of their audience. With "Shut Up And Shave," they opted for a bold, straightforward, and provocative approach that immediately set them apart from their competitors and allowed their customers to take a stand with them.

"Shut Up And Shave" served as a rallying cry to challenge the status quo. The campaign urged consumers to stop giving their money to woke corporations and people that hate them. Jeremy’s isn’t just taking your money, they’re taking theirs. This is “The Anti-Woke Razor.”

It playfully embraced the simplicity to take action. This call to action not only caught the attention of the target audience but also evoked a sense of community, empowerment, and urgency.

Striking a Nerve

The direct and confrontational nature of the campaign had a polarizing effect. Some viewed it as abrasive or offensive, while others found it refreshing and empowering. Regardless of personal opinions, the campaign undeniably generated buzz and sparked conversations. It encouraged people to question societal norms, align values with where their money goes and support a greater cause.

The success of "Shut Up And Shave" can be attributed to Jeremy's Razors' ability to create an authentic brand persona. By embracing a no-nonsense, unapologetic attitude, the brand resonated with consumers who not only wanted to take control of their grooming routine but also wanted to take control of the narrative. 

A Viral Phenomenon

The video was unleashed upon the world, finding its home on YouTube and social media platforms. Within minutes, it started gaining traction, and soon, the campaign spread like wildfire. The infectious humor, coupled with quotable one-liners, ensured that people couldn't help but share the video with friends and family. Whether you loved or hated the video, you shared it. Its virality reached unprecedented levels, propelling Jeremy's Razors into the spotlight and generating millions of views. 

Have a look for yourself and watch their trailer HERE.

Cultivating a Loyal Following

"Shut Up And Shave" not only captured attention but also inspired action. By cutting through the noise and demanding immediate action, the campaign encouraged consumers to align with the brand's values by taking a stand against the ‘woke’ narrative. Seriously. It served as a catalyst for individuals who sought a straightforward way to take a stand via their shaving experience, prompting them to explore Jeremy's Razors as a viable solution not only for their face but also for their values.

Jeremy Boreing’s comedic prowess and deadpan delivery amplified the impact of the campaign. With a cleverly crafted script, he expertly dissected the power against advertiser walkouts and allowed viewers to see themselves being mocked. The company's authentic brand struck a chord with consumers. The campaign's humor created a sense of camaraderie, connecting the brand with its audience on a deeper level. This emotional bond translated into long-term customer loyalty and an enduring relationship with the Jeremy's Razors brand. 

Jeremy's Razors bold campaign not only generated buzz fostered a loyal following but also made us laugh and cry at the same time.

This campaign is one for the history books.


Alternatively, a campaign that completely missed the mark of their audience is Anheuser-Busch’s Bud Light LGBTQ Campaign. This campaign still made us laugh and cry on so many levels.

Destroy a Loyal Following

Bud Light’s primary audience is heterosexual biological males, who enjoy sports, socializing, and other masculine activities. In 2022 Bud Light sold over $4.8 billion worth of beer to this loyal following of men. Overnight, their loyal following…gone. Are we surprised? 

Only surprised that a billion-dollar company, Anheuser-Busch would put into play a campaign that completely negates their primary audience.

The controversy began when Bud Light enlisted transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney in their marketing campaign. The brand sent a personalized can featuring Mulvaney's face to commemorate a personal milestone. However, this move faced swift backlash, with public figures like Kid Rock and Bri Teresi publicly boycotting the beer. The inclusion of a transgender person in the campaign triggered an informal boycott by individuals across the globe protesting Bud Light. 

Bud Light’s sales went into a downward spiral in the aftermath of their controversial transgender marketing campaign. Figures reported by Bump Williams Consulting reveal a staggering decline in in-store sales, with a 26% drop in the week. This decline has been accelerating, with sales dropping by 21% and 11% in the preceding weeks, respectively.

Critics argue that Bud Light's decline in sales is driven by consumers switching to other brands, such as Michelob Ultra, to avoid being associated with the controversy and supporting a beer with misaligned values.

Criticism on Both Sides 

Anheuser-Busch finds itself caught in a difficult position, facing criticism from both anti-trans and progressive factions. The company's marketing strategy has seemingly upset both sides, leaving it without a clear direction. Bud Light is in serious trouble this year and lost its top position. David Steinman, the vice president and executive editor at Beer Marketer's Insights, suggests that Anheuser-Busch needs to collaborate with beer distributors and find ways to entice their former consumers back to the brand. Maybe they could learn a few things from Jeremy Boreing and take a stand that is aligned with their audience instead of against it.

To recover from the sales slump, it is crucial for Anheuser-Busch to realign its compass and develop a clear game plan. Acknowledging their customers' concerns and offering a sincere apology for any perceived abandonment may help restore trust and support. The corporation must navigate this challenging landscape while striving to strike a balance between authenticity, inclusivity, and appealing to its consumer base. The future of Bud Light rests on its ability to address these issues and win back the trust of consumers who feel let down by the brand. Some say Bud Light needs a new name and a complete rebrand to save itself from itself.

This campaign is one for the history books on how to destroy your company overnight and what not to do.

Jeremy's Chocolate

Let’s end on a high note and talk about a successful campaign that had us not only crying and laughing but peeing in our pants.

Opportunity Comes Knocking

In an astonishing turn of events, Hershey's Chocolate managed to not only offend women but also rational individuals across the board. On the very first day of Women's History Month, this renowned chocolate company introduced a biological male, who identifies as female, as one of the faces representing their "HER SHE" bar. As if that wasn't enough, they went on to release a cringe-worthy social media ad featuring Fae Johnstone, fervently declaring how "she" and other women are single-handedly "changing how we see the future." This bewildering move left chocoholics perplexed, feeling insulted, and desperately seeking alternative options.

Not to worry as here comes Jeremy Boreing, the co-founder of The Daily Wire (and Jeremy’s Razors). Jeremy is a trailblazer in confronting woke companies and providing alternative choices to dissatisfied customers. With a track record of challenging razor brands and producing family-friendly content, Boreing has now expanded his ventures into the realm of chocolate. Moved by an outpouring of Twitter pleas from disillusioned chocolate lovers, he decided to take action. In a courageous move, Boreing launched Jeremy's Chocolate, a brand dedicated to catering to those who feel neglected by Hershey's and its politically-driven agenda.

With a Twitter announcement that spread like wildfire, Boreing confidently proclaimed, "Alright, I'm on it. Allow me to introduce Jeremy's Chocolate. It's not a joke, it's real. We offer two varieties: HeHim and SheHer. One of them includes nuts. If you need me to spell it out, stick with Hershey's." In just a few sentences, Jeremy's Chocolate emerged as a ray of hope for individuals in search of an alternative to Hershey's condescending and virtue-signaling stance.

Their Mission Is Clear

However, Jeremy's Chocolate is far more than a mere marketing tactic; it stands as a bold declaration against the prevalent corporate woke culture that appears to have seeped into every aspect of society. The brand's website, ihatehersheys.com, provides customers with the option to pre-order both variations of the chocolate, He/Him or She/Her. As Jeremy says “If you need me to tell you which one has nuts, then you should go buy Hersheys.”

Watch their viral video HERE and you will have no question understanding their mission.

Jeremy recognizes the weariness people feel when it comes to supporting companies that deliberately isolate and disregard their loyal customers. (Bud Light should take some notes). Jeremy has taken action to create alternatives that resonate with those who have been left feeling abandoned by corporations embracing woke ideologies, extending from Harry's Razors to Bud Light to Hersheys to Disney. Jeremy’s mission to their consumer is clear: Every dollar you spend here is one less dollar in the pockets of woke CEOs who care about your money, but not your values.

Commitment To Values and Customer

"We have listened to the people's calls, and we have responded," Boreing declared with pride. "Thanks to Jeremy's Chocolate, you no longer have to consume chocolate that holds animosity towards you. Harry's Razors bears animosity; Disney holds animosity; and now, Hershey's joins the ranks. As long as corporations and institutions persist in alienating a significant portion of the nation, Jeremy will persist in creating alternatives. It's time to refrain from supporting woke chocolate companies that foster animosity towards you and instead choose a different path."

Jeremy has consistently risen to the occasion to provide alternatives for those who feel let down by major corporations. He understands his audience and how to speak to them. The actions of Jeremy exemplify a pattern of standing up against the status quo and providing choices for those who have grown disillusioned with mainstream companies. Jeremy’s track record showcases a dedication to fostering an environment where individuals can find products and entertainment that resonate with their beliefs and principles.


In a world flooded with advertisements and marketing messages, it takes something truly remarkable to break through the noise and leave a lasting impact on consumers. These three marketing campaigns did just that, unleashing the power of emotions, humor, and captivating storytelling to drive consumer behavior and fuel brand loyalty.

Laughter is often touted as the best medicine, but it can also be a powerful marketing tool. The campaigns that made us chuckle and burst into laughter managed to forge a genuine connection with their audience. They cleverly utilized humor to create memorable moments and associations with their brand, ensuring that their message stayed with us long after the initial encounter. These campaigns proved that laughter not only lightens our moods but also opens our wallets.

They reminded us that emotions have the ability to drive our actions and influence our purchasing decisions.

Surprise! The unexpected can be a game-changer in marketing. Brands that successfully employed surprise elements in their campaigns left us in awe and sparked a sense of excitement and curiosity. Whether it was an unexpected twist in a commercial, an innovative product feature, or a delightful surprise gift, these campaigns kept us on our toes and left us wanting more. By embracing the element of surprise, these brands not only captured our attention but also created a sense of anticipation and eagerness to engage further.

In the age of social media and viral sensations, campaigns that embraced the power of going viral achieved unprecedented levels of brand exposure and engagement. They tapped into the innate human desire to be a part of something bigger, leveraging shareable content that spread like wildfire across digital platforms. These campaigns demonstrated that a single moment can ignite a global conversation, propelling a brand into the spotlight and creating a community of passionate supporters.

Understanding the impact of emotions in marketing is crucial for businesses aiming to create campaigns that not only entertain and engage but also drive tangible results. By tapping into emotions, brands can forge deeper connections with their audience, cultivate brand loyalty, and ultimately increase customer lifetime value. Emotions have the power to transcend the transactional nature of marketing, transforming it into a meaningful and memorable experience for consumers.


